#GetReading #ReadDifferent
Garrett Addison is a big advocate for reading (#GetReading), but also for the reading of something different (#ReadDifferent) … especially the works of Independent authors (#ReadIndie).
All those best-seller books out there started with someone a taking a punt on an unknown author or a largely unknown title; they read it, liked it and told someone… that’s how they got to be best sellers. Sure, you may have your favourites, but your next favourite book or author may be just waiting to be discovered, and you are unlikely to discover them by browsing the bestseller shelves on your local bookstore or on-line, or reading only what your friends suggest. So why not venture past the front of the store, discover something for yourself and be the one evangelising something different?
There are many Indie authors out there who would love you to read their work and very few of them ‘bite’. There are authors to appeal to any and every taste, style and genre… all you need to do is look for them. They might not appeal to you, but then again you just might find something you really enjoy too, and you won’t know what you’re missing unless you try something new. So #ReadIndie, #GetReading and #ReadDifferent.
As an Indie author, Garrett would love you to give his works a try…
When you read a book, have you ever thought of leaving a review? Did you really enjoy it? How many ‘stars’ would you give it? Was it like another author?
Reviews, especially good ones, really help authors, particularly Indie authors, get the word out about their books, so much so that many authors will offer free (digital?) copies in exchange for an honest review.
If you bought your book on-line, you probably will have read some of the reviews before you hit the ‘buy’ or ‘download’ button. Those reviews were written by people just like you and while J.K. Rowling might not notice another review appearing on Amazon or Kobo or GoodReads, Indie authors certainly will notice and appreciate them.